Journal of English 2 Semester 3

Hello guys :) Now I'm gonna tell you something different, umm... I'm gonna tell you about my experience, my journal, or maybe my story of English 2 on Semester 3. Before I tell you about my story... I have to say thanks, especially for Mr. Emery Filemon as English Teacher, and then to my classmates which is I can’t tell you one by one, or just call it XI – MIA – F. At the very beginning of English 2, Mr. E didn’t come for about 2 weeks.. h3h3 NO OFFENSE, Sir, but then finally he shown up, so, he started to introduce himself, and then he asked the students to introduce themselves for 3 mins, including umm… their hobby, favorite things, and country. Then, he gave us a kind of assignment, he asked us to do TOEFL test as an assignment on TestDen, but the test is too damn hard._. then we got an exam, writing exam.

I remembered that he gave us a drama assignment, he wanted us to perform our drama in front of the class after the mid-test. Mr.E gave us about 2 weeks for the preparation, but in my opinion, 2 weeks wasn’t enough for the preparation, because we are full of assignments, from Biology until Math. So 1 week before mid-test, he called some of the drama group to give a simple perform, many of ‘em were using the mixed story, but some also the same exact story as the original one. The Day of Drama was about in 2 days, all of the groups were so busy preparing what they need. Then here comes the Drama Perform from every group, some of them acted very well, but some was still need some practice, but Overall, the drama perform was really awesome, many of the group made a funny perform, not by the script, but by how the act xD, they forgot what must they said, and their intonation, and so on.

The Drama has finished, now he gave us a new assignment, now he used QuipperShool, he gave us about 6 topics at the first time, but when we were about to do that assignment, some of students in XI – MIA – F, including me couldn’t connect to the School Wi-Fi but fortunately, there’s one, his name is Deodatus Joshua, he shared his quota for the one who needed a connection. We finished the assignment by asking each other, because there were no rules that told us to do it by ourselves h3h3…
There are still many more to tell, but I can’t recall them one by one, so that’s my story in English 2 Semester 3… hehe, maybe there are some of them still in bad grammar… and for Mr.E thank you and no offense sir… hehe. Thank you guys.. :):) for reading my story.


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